Water Service
For mailed payments, please account for USPS delivery time and pay by check or money order. Payment is due on the 15th of the month. 10% late charge after this date. Failure to pay a bill by the end of the month following the close of the period for which service was rendered shall result in disconnection of the service.
Re-connection shall be made only in the event that all previously unpaid bills, late charges, and applicable disconnect / reconnect fees ($20 shut off, $20 turn on) are paid.
Mail payments to:
Missouri City Water Dept.
P.O. Box 32
Missouri City, MO. 64072
For online payment please visit https://missouricitymo.frontdeskgworks.com/. There is a convenience fee of $3.00 per $100.00 paid. When creating an account, the First Name, Last Name, and Account # must exactly match what is shown on your utility bill card. You will also have to enter our case sensitive Municipality Code which is: MissouriCityMO072 . If you have any issues please call (800) 657-0880.
If you would like to receive your bill via email rather than through USPS. Please contact the water collector to sign up.
For new service contact the city water collector. Name, Contact Number, Service Address, Mailing Address, Date of Possession, and Social Security Number will be required. A deposit of 85$ for owners and 170$ for non-owner’s must be submitted prior to service being turned on or started.
Water Rates(As of 2/1/21):
First 1,000 Gallons $45.88 (Minimum)
Each additional Gallon .01537 per gallon
Tank Sales (Bulk) .01537 per gallon
In case of water emergency the Mayor or any council member may be contacted.
Trash Service
Trash Rate $18.50(As of Feb. 2017)
Trash is picked up every Wednesday morning except for the weeks of certain holidays (Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Years Day). If the holiday falls during the week service will be running one day behind schedule for the remainder of that week. If the holiday should fall on Saturday or Sunday, trash pick-up will run on schedule with no delays.
Please ensure that all trash is bagged and receptacle placed directly on the curb by early Wednesday morning.
MCCA Building Rentals
Submit rental requests by mail to:
MCCA Rental Request
P.O. Box 264
Missouri City, MO. 64072
Please include name, Contact Number and date(s) you would like to book. A $50 fee per single day event will be required.