Community Softball Game
3:00pm Sunday, June 24th
at the School ball field.
All ages and skill levels welcome.
Come join the fun!
Community Softball Game
3:00pm Sunday, June 24th
at the School ball field.
All ages and skill levels welcome.
Come join the fun!
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Attention Missouri City Water Customers
Water rates will be increased this summer. Rates have not changed since 1993. The City currently pays more for water than it collects from end users. In short, the City has been losing money on water the past few years. The increase will allow the City to break even for this vital service. The $10.00 monthly charge for trash pick-up will not change.
The increase will be $7.00 for each $10.00 increment now billed for water. For example, an account now billing $10.00 will be $17.00, a $20.00 billing will be $34.00, and so on.
New software has been purchased and is being installed for water bills. The new format will be initiated in June or July. New water rates will be effective with the new bill system.
Thank You,
The City Council of Missouri City, Missouri
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