Minutes of 02/16/17

The minutes of 02/16/17 have been posted.
Revisions were made to the 01/09/17 Minutes.(Date corrections, duplicate removal)

Permanent link to this article: https://missouricitymo.gov/minutes-of-021617/

Agenda for 02/16/17

The Agenda for the 02/16/17 Meeting has been posted.

Permanent link to this article: https://missouricitymo.gov/agenda-for-021617/

Ordinance 144

The entirety of ordinance 144 regarding offensive conditions and their penalties which was passed on 12/12/16 has been posted

Permanent link to this article: https://missouricitymo.gov/ordinance-144/

Minutes of 01/09/17

The minutes of 01/09/17 have been posted.
A revision was made to the 12/12/16 Minutes.(Deffenbaugh contract correction)

Permanent link to this article: https://missouricitymo.gov/minutes-of-010917/

Agenda for 01/09/17

The Agenda for the 01/09/17 Meeting has been posted.

Permanent link to this article: https://missouricitymo.gov/agenda-for-010917/

Minutes of 12/12/16

The minutes of 12/12/16 have been posted.

Permanent link to this article: https://missouricitymo.gov/minutes-of-121216/

04/04/17 Election

Permanent link to this article: https://missouricitymo.gov/040417-election/