Minutes of 12/15/20

Minutes of December 15th, 2020, Council Meeting

The Missouri City, Missouri, City Council held their monthly open meeting at the MCCA Building on Tuesday, December 15th, 2020, at 7:00 pm.  Attending:  Mayor Barry Moore, Clerk Monte Railey, Collector Brandon Gray and Council members Sydney Stewart, Joe Selle, Rockne Gross and Micah Schake.  Kevin Anderson with Missouri Organics also attended.

Mayor Moore called the meeting to order.  Minutes of the November 9th 2020 monthly meeting and the November 24th, 2020, special meeting were read and approved.  There were no questions regarding November financial reports e-mailed by the City Treasurer prior to the meeting.

Bills to be allowed (paid 12/11/20 unless noted otherwise)

General Fund:

Monte Railey – $272.43, November Clerk salary

Missouri Employers Mutual – $1,178.00, workman’s comp policy for 1/1/21 through 12/31/21

Evergy – $596.24, account 7438992211

Feldmans – $164.92, oil and supplies for City machinery

Deputy Caleb Nelson – $199.48, November patrol

Deputy Joshua Doss – $94.67, November patrol

Deputy John Campbell – $99.74, November patrol

Clay County Sheriff – $36.92, fuel for November patrol

(12/15/20) Joe Selle – $235.49, hourly City labor



Kearney Trust Co. – $544.62, interest on pre-construction water project credit line through 12/7/20

Padgett Brother Excavating – $4,073.99, invoices 1007 & 1008 for water main repairs

AAA Disposal – $1,680.00, November curbside trash service

PWSD #4 – $1,481.22, water 10/24/20-11/24/20

Softline Data – $109.50, invoice 11280

Jim Talley – $272.43, December Meter Reader salary

Brandon Gray – $528.12, December Collector salary

Deanna Hufford – $461.75, December Treasurer salary

Deanna Hufford – $16.05, November mileage

Councilman Gross made a motion to pay the bills that was seconded by Councilman Schake.  The motion passed 4-0.

Due to scheduling mix up, the remainder of the meeting was moved to the Christian Church of Missouri City to allow Public Water supply District #7 to conduct their regular monthly meeting in the MCCA Building.

Old Business

Water Project:  Ordinance 151, which is a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and execute all necessary contract documents and loan documents on behalf of the City of Missouri City for the Water Main Improvements Project and for the City Clerk to attest the Mayor’s signature on any documents which require such attestation, was read twice by title and once in entirety by Mayor Moore.  After brief discussion, Councilman Gross made a motion to adopt it as read.  The motion was seconded by Councilman Schake and passed by a vote of 4-0.

A pre-closing meeting will be held on January 19th, 2021 at 1:30 pm in the MCCA Building and followed by the pre-construction meeting at 2:00 pm.  After those meetings, start dates and timelines for construction will be announced.

Water Bill Collection:  Collector Brandon Gray provided current collection status to the Council.  New water rates will take effect when the construction and loan contracts are signed so he is preparing notification letters for all water customers.


New Business

Land use proposal:  Kevin Anderson with Missouri Organics addressed the gathering about their plans for property within City limits.  They have purchased property north of Missouri Highway 210 on the west edge of town to develop a bagging facility for mulch and compost production.  Initially the site will be used for storage of bagged and sealed product, with construction of the bagging building following.  The property does not have a connection to City water and Missouri Organics plans to drill a well on the location.  Councilman Gross made a motion to express support for the endeavor.  It was seconded by Councilman Schake and passed 4-0.

2021 Spring Municipal Election:  The City Clerk advised the gathering that Council seats for Wards One and Three, plus Mayor, are up for election April 6th, 2021.  The filing period for candidates runs December 15th, 2020 through January 19th, 2021.  Interested parties should contact the City Clerk during that time.

PERC Activities:  Cassidy Russell advised the meeting of plans for a Clothing Drive with proceeds to benefit PERC scheduled for January 29, 30 and 31st of 2021.  She also announced tentative plans for 2021 City Parade on Saturday, May 1st.  Mayor Moore asked the Council to think about dates for the annual City Clean Up Days in April in order to finalize plans at the January 2021 meeting.

The next monthly Council meeting is scheduled for 7:00 pm on Monday, January 11th, 2021, at the MCCA Building.

Councilwoman Stewart made a motion to adjourn that was seconded by Councilman Schake.  Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Monte Railey – City Clerk

Permanent link to this article: https://missouricitymo.gov/minutes-of-12-15-20/