Minutes of 09/15/20

Minutes of September 15th, 2020, Council Meeting

The Missouri City, Missouri, City Council held their monthly open meeting at the Christian Church on Tuesday, September 15th, at 7:00 pm.  Originally planned for the MCCA Building, the location was moved due to a scheduling conflict.   Attending:  Mayor Barry Moore, Clerk Monte Railey, Collector Brandon Gray, Treasurer and Council members Sydney Stewart, Rockne Gross, Joe Selle and Micah Schake.   Residents Bob Tarver, Denny Roberts and Cindy Roberts were also present.

Mayor Moore called the meeting to order.  Minutes of the August 10th monthly meeting and August 20th Tax Levy hearing were read and approved.

Bills to be allowed (paid today unless noted otherwise)

General Fund:

(8/21/20) Shawn Callahan – $108.00 labor for City Hall siding and bell repairs

(9/9/20) Evergy – $213.94 accounts 2476323157, 2537625024, 244031034 and 2451439541

(9/10/20) – Excelsior Springs Standard – $47.00 published Tax levy hearing notice

(9/10/20) Monte Railey – $236.98 August Clerk salary

(9/10/20) Joe Selle – $576.26 August hourly work

(9/10/20) Deputy John Campbell – $99.74 four hours of patrol

(9/10/20) Deputy Joshua Doss – $99. four hours of patrol

(9/10/20) Deputy Caleb Nelson – $199.48 eight hours of patrol

(9/10/20) Clay County Sheriff – $31.03 fuel for 68 miles of patrol

(9/10/20) U.S. Department of Treasury – $962.07  941 tax form for 2019


(8/15/20) Kearney Trust – $562.87 interest on pre-construction credit line 7/16/20-8/15/20

(8/15/20) USPS – $64.00 yearly rental for PO Box 32

(8/29/20) USPS – $105.00 postage for utility mailing

(9/1/20) AGC Engineering – $11,010.00 invoice 08-2020-123 for water project final design

(9/9/20) PWSD #4 – $1,456.90 water 7/28/20-8/28/20

(9/10/20) Deanna Hufford – $640.49 August Treasurer salary

(9/10/20) Brandon Gray – $418.76 August Collector salary

(9/10/20) Jim Talley – $289.72 August Meter Reader salary

Kearney Trust Co. – $562.86 interest on pre-construction credit line 8/16/20-9/15/20

Councilwoman Stewart made a motion to pay the bills that was seconded by Councilman Gross.  The motion passed 4-0.

Old Business

Water Project:  The USDA has received all needed documentation and approved the application.  A public notice announcing opening of construction bids will be published in the Excelsior Springs Standard on 9/18/20, 9/25/20 and 10/2/20.   A pre-bid conference will be conducted by AGC Engineering at 10 am on Wednesday, September 30th, 2020.  Bids will be accepted until 10 am on October 21st, 2020.  At that time a meeting will be held at the MCCA Building to open and read bids.  Mayor Moore assured the gathering that special requests will be made to keep driveway blockages for those with health issues to a minimum.

2020 Tax Levy – The 2020 tax levy of $.8128 per $100 of assessment was certified by the Clay County Clerk on August 24th, 2020.

New Business

Overgrown lots on Walnut Street:  The City mailed letters requesting mowing and brush clearing of two properties on Walnut with a deadline to act by 9/13/20.  One property met the deadline and one did not.  The City will follow up to clear the other lot and add charges to the property tax bill.

Potholes:  Potholes needing filled were identified on Cemetery Hill Road and St Bernard Street.  Work will begin on September 16th.

Proposed Gun Range:  Mayor Moore advised the Council of a party interested in purchasing property on MO 210 within the city limits for development of a private gun range to be used by Law Enforcement agencies.  Discussion focused primarily on possible noise issues and concerns of adjoining residents.  Tests for noise will be conducted and the Mayor will seek additional information from the interested party.

The next open monthly Council meeting is scheduled for 7:00 pm on Monday, October 12th, 2020, in the MCCA Building.

Councilwoman Stewart made a motion to adjourn that was seconded by Councilman Gross.  Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Monte Railey – City Clerk

Permanent link to this article: https://missouricitymo.gov/minutes-of-09-15-20/