Minutes of August 10th, 2020, Council Meeting
The Missouri City, Missouri, City Council held their monthly open meeting at the MCCA Building on Monday, August 10th, 2020, at 7:00 pm. Attending: Mayor Barry Moore, Clerk Monte Railey, Collector Brandon Gray and Council members Sydney Stewart, Rockne Gross, Joe Selle and Micah Schake.
Mayor Moore called the meeting to order. Minutes of the July 13th were read and approved.
Bills to be allowed (paid today unless noted otherwise)
General Fund:
(7/15/20) Bill Slater – $20.00 two cleanings of MCAA Building
7/15/20) U.S. Department of Treasury – $436.33 2nd Qtr 941 tax for general fund paid employees
(7/242/20) Ideker – $2,378.03 for rock for drain at Water and Stillhouse
(7/24/20) O’Reilly Automotive – $118.77 oil and mechanical supplies
(7/28/20) Brandon Gray – $120.56 reimbursement for Web host ($107.40) and domain ($13.16)
(7/31/20) Evergy – $139.16 accounts 2443031034, 25451439541, 2476323157 & 2537625024
Joe Selle – $587.35 hourly city work
John Selle – $100.00 brush hog work
Evergy – $598.43 account 7438992211
Monte Railey – 236.98 July salary Clerk
(7/15/20) U.S. Department of Treasury – $987.60 2nd Qtr 941 tax for waterworks employees
(7/31/20) Missouri Department of Natural Resources – $390.55 2020 primacy fee
(7/31/20) AAA Disposal – $1,680.00 June curbside trash service
Deanna Hufford – $502.18 July salary Treasurer
Brandon Gray – $384.46 July salary Collector
Jim Talley – $280.49 July salary Meter Reader
PWSD #4 – $2,151.20 water 6/24/20-7/28/20
AAA Disposal $1,680.00 July curbside trash service
Councilwoman Stewart made a motion to pay the bills that was seconded by Councilman Schake. The motion passed 4-0.
Old Business
Water Project: The USDA still needs a copy of the City/City Attorney agreement and the 2020 budget. The Mayor will provide the Attorney document and is pulling together budget info with the Treasurer. The project will go up for bid when those two items are submitted and approved by the USDA.
Ditch work: Work is continuing on the drain area at Water and Stillhouse. Citizens volunteering labor and equipment have been asked to submit reimbursement requests for material expenses. Once finished at Water and Stillhouse, they will clear needed ditches throughout town.
Possible alternate internet provider: The Council agreed that potential alternate internet providers should conduct their own market research. One possible provider asked the City to conduct research for them.
Online water bill payment: The Council tabled the issue pending review of the City Attorney’s concerns. A message on the August water bills asks customers interested in receiving bills by e-mail to contact Collector Brandon Gray.
City Hall repairs: Plank siding has been applied to areas on City Hall reachable by ladder. Plans are being made to obtain a lift for completion and painting. The bell structure was inspected and a new rope was attached to the bell, which is now functioning.
2020 Census: The City Clerk, in his capacity as chair of the local Complete Count Committee, advised the Council, whose four members make up the local Complete Count Committee, that census data collection will end September 30th, 2020, rather than October 31st. All residents are encouraged to complete and submit their census form online or via mail prior to that date.
New Business
The 2020 Tax Levy hearing will be held in the MCCA Building at 7:00 pm on Thursday, August 20th, 2020.
The next open monthly Council meeting is scheduled for 7:00 pm on Tuesday, September 15th, 2020, in the MCCA Building.
Councilwoman Stewart made a motion to adjourn that was seconded by Councilman Gross. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Monte Railey – City Clerk