Minutes of 08/09/21

Minutes of August 9, 2021, Council Meeting

The Missouri City, Missouri, City Council held their monthly open meeting at the MCCA Building on Monday, August 9th, 2021, at 7:00 pm.   Attending:  Mayor Barry Moore, Clerk Monte Railey, Collector Brandon Gray, Council members Mickey Stewart, Rockne Gross, Joe Selle and Micah Schake.

Mayor Moore called the meeting to order.  Minutes of the July 19th, 2021, monthly meeting were read and approved.

Bills to be allowed

General Fund:

(7/30/21) Susan Moore – $19.25 envelopes for City Treasurer

(7/30/21) Evergy – $151.30 accounts 2537625024/$23.14, 2476323157/$46.28, 2443031034/$58.74 & 2451439541/$23.14

(8/6/21) Steven Wolcott – $810.00 City legal work

(8/6/21) Brandon Gray – $120.56 reimbursement for city website renewal

(8/6/321) Monte Railey – $272.43 July Clerk salary

(8/6/21) Joe Selle – $759.38 July hourly labor plus reimbursement for gas card


(8/2/21) USPS – $108.00 water department postage

(8/2/21) PWSD #4 – $2,564.76 water

(8/6/21) Missouri Department of Natural Resources – $381.02 2021 Primacy fee

(8/6/21) Steven Wolcott – $310.00 invoice #1034

(8/6/21) Brandon Gray – $533.85 July Collector salary plus mileage

8/6/21) Deanna Hufford – $529.59 July Treasurer salary plus mileage and 10 extra hours

(8/6/21) Jim Talley – $300.14 July Meter Reader salary plus one in/out

(7/11/21) Deanna Hufford – $488.57 June Treasurer salary plus mileage to CPA


(7/22/21) Orr Wyatt Streetscapes – $2,940.08 payment request #6

(7/22/21) AGC Engineering – $867.76 payment request #6

Councilman Schake made a motion to authorize payment of bills that was seconded by Councilman Gross.  The motion passed by a vote of 4-0.


Old Business

Water Project:  Construction continues.  Mayor Moore reported 38 individual hook ups remain to be done, plus final connections of the new loop, street repairs and landscaping.  Mayor Moore presented Payment Request #7 to the Council.  It includes charges of $105,874.73 from Orr Wyatt Streetscapes plus $4,772.71 from AGC Engineering for a total sum of $111,647.44.  Councilman Schake made a motion to authorize payment that was seconded by Councilman Gross and carried by a vote of 4-0.  The CDBG Project pre-closeout hearing was held at 10 am on July 28th in at the MCCA Building.  Missouri CDBG Administrator Amy Barnhill and Lisa Danbury with MARC attended along with Mayor Barry Moore and City Clerk Monte Railey.  Forms and documents needed for final closeout were identified.  The City Treasurer will send check and bank statement copies from May through July of 2019 and April through July of 2021 to Ms. Barnhill.   At the hearing Ms. Barnhill advised the mayor that CDBG Grants are still available for projects such as streets, sidewalks, drainage and/or ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliance expenses and that much of the data from the water project grant could be reused on a new application.  The mayor will consult with Art Akin at AGC Engineering.  Lisa Danbury with MARC will advertise a public CDBG closeout hearing tentatively scheduled for 6:30 pm on September 13th, 2021.

Water Vault Changes:  The pressure valve and altitude regulator in the water vault are scheduled to be replaced Wednesday, August 11th.  Decker Construction has been waiting for a specially ordered valve.

Repair Responsibility for Fire Station:  Mayor Moore found the 1992 contract containing terms of the arrangement between the city and the Fishing River fire District.  According to the document, the Fire District agreed to maintain the 1992 condition of the building.  The mayor will advise resident Miles Jackson and refer the issue to the District Fire Chief.

Capitol Sand Street Request:  Still working out legal details.  Mayor Moore was on a conference call this week with City Attorney Steven Wolcott along with representatives of business operator Capitol Sand, property owner MO City Acquisitions and the Missouri Railroad Association.  They were informed that MODOT owns the land from Hwy M210 south to the railroad right of way and that Missouri City would need to change the road from private to public a minimum of 100 yards south of the tracks.   If approved, the city will make a road maintenance agreement with Capitol Sand calling for them to maintain the road, which will also need to be named.  This will allow installation of railroad crossing gates at a reduced cost.

City Vaccination Event:  Plans for a Covid vaccination event in town, as proposed by Heart to Heart in conjunction with the Clay County Health Department, has been put on hold for now.  Council members reported to the mayor there was no interest among unvaccinated residents.

Ditch Clearing:  The mayor has measured ditches needing clearing and is seeking bids to begin work once water project repairs are done.

New Business

Council Vacancy:  Ward Four Councilman Micah Schake announced that he is moving out of town and will resign his Council seat after the September monthly meeting.  The Council will begin a search for his replacement.   His current term runs until April of 2023.

The next monthly meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 13th, 2021, at 7:00 pm in the MCCA Building.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted.

Monte Railey – City Clerk

Permanent link to this article: https://missouricitymo.gov/minutes-of-08-09-21/