Minutes of July 13th, 2020, Council Meeting
The Missouri City, Missouri, City Council held their monthly open meeting at the MCCA Building on Monday, July 13th, 2020, at 7:00 pm. Attending: Mayor Barry Moore, Clerk Monte Railey, Collector Brandon Gray, and Council members Sydney Stewart, Rockne Gross, Joe Selle and Micah Schake.
Mayor Moore called the meeting to order. Minutes of the June 9th meeting were read and approved. Financial statements for June were reviewed and approved.
Bills to be allowed
General Fund:
(6/16/20) Evergy – $598.22 account 7438992211
(6/16/20) United State Postal Service – $110.00 stamps for city postage
(6/16/20) Missouri Rock – $2,051.46 gravel for water break repairs
(6/17/20) Goode’s Service – $105.50 inv 521682 truck maintenance
(6/26/20) Evergy – $287.62 accounts 2476323157, 2443034034, 2537625024 & 2451439541
(7/8/20) Evergy – $598.12 account 7438992211
(7/8/20) Monte Railey – 236.98 June Clerk salary
(7/8/20) Joe Selle – $565.18 hourly City work in June
(6/9/20) Brandon Gray – $923.50 bonus for waterworks financial clean up
(6/9/20) Deanna Hufford – $923.50 bonus for financial clean up
(6/15/20) $500.50 e-check #4821 for Land Disturbance Permit application
(6/15/20) Kearney Trust Co. – $562.96 interest on pre-construction credit line through 6/7/20
(6/15/20) PWSD #4, $2,215.50 water 4/27/20-5/59/20
6/16/20) AAA Disposal $1,680.00 May curbside trash service
(6/29/20) United states Postal service – $140.00 postcard stamps for water bills
(7/8/20) PWSD #4 – $1,530.86 water 5/30/20-6/24/20)
(7/8/20) Jim Talley – $289.72 June Meter Reader salary
(7/8/20) Deanna Hufford – $467.19 June Treasurer salary
(7/8/20) Brandon Gray – $436.78 June Collector salary
Councilman Gross made a motion to pay the bills that was seconded by Councilwoman Stewart. The motion passed 4-0.
Old Business
Water Project: Five documents are needed for USDA to approve project going up for bid. Ordinance #149 (An ordinance establishing rules and regulations for the operation of the water supply system to be constructed by the City of Missouri City, Missouri) and #150 (Water Rate Schedule) were read once each in entirety and twice each by title. After final discussion, both passed 4-0. Three other financial related documents are being prepared by the Treasurer.
Bat Houses for mosquito control: Councilman Rocky Gross made a list of request from those present seeking a bat house. Requests can still be made through any City official.
Online Water Bills: Collector Brandon Gray presented binding agreement information pertaining to the possibility of receiving and paying water bills online. The Clerk will scan the information and distribute to Council members for discussion at the August meeting per the Mayor’s request.
Councilman Selle asked for status of voluntary annexation petition for his property west of the current city limit. Mayor Moore will check with the City Attorney.
Internet access options: Councilman Gross is still working with a possible alternate satellite internet provider using the existing Verizon tower on the water standpipe.
New Business
Second Ward Councilman Joe Selle was sworn in to a new term per the June 2nd, 2020 election.
The next open monthly Council meeting is scheduled for 7:00 pm on Monday, August 10th, 2020, at the MCCA Building. The 2020 Tax Levy Hearing will be scheduled in August when all needed data is received from the state and county.
Councilwoman Stewart made a motion to adjourn that was seconded by Councilwoman Gross. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Monte Railey – City Clerk