Minutes of April 12th, 2021, Council Meeting
The Missouri City, Missouri, City Council held their monthly open meeting at the MCCA Building on Monday, April 12th, 2021, at 7:00 pm. Attending: Mayor Barry Moore, Clerk Monte Railey, Collector Brandon Gray, Council members Joe Selle, Sydney Stewart, Rockne Gross and Micah Schake plus incoming Ward One Councilman Mickey Stewart.
Mayor Moore called the meeting to order. Minutes of the March 8th, 2021, monthly meeting were read and approved. Financial reports e-mailed by the Treasurer prior to the meeting were discussed and approved.
Bills to be allowed
General Fund:
(3/10/21) Clay County Election Board – $522.43 April 2021 Election
(3/13/21) Evergy – $597.10 account 7438992211
(3/13/21) Orrick Gas – $765.00 Propane for tank at MCCA Building
(3/26/21) Evergy – $125.60 four other City accounts
(4/9/21) Barry Moore – $260.00 Mayor pay April 2020-March 2021 (13 meetings)
(4/9/21) Sydney Stewart – $195.00 Council pay April 2020-March 2021 (13 meetings)
(4/9/21) Joe Selle – $150.00 Council pay April 202-March 2021 (10 meetings)
(4/9/21) Rockne Gross – $195.00 Council pay April 2020-March 2021 (13 meetings)
(4/9/21) Micah Schake – $180.00 Council pay April 2020-March 2021 (12 meetings)
(4/9/21) Deputy Caleb Nelson – $199.48 March patrol
(4/9/21) Deputy Joshua Doss – $169.48 March patrol
(4/9/21) Deputy John Campbell – $99.74 March patrol
(4/9/21) Clay County Sheriff – $25.15 fuel for March patrol
(4/9/21) Monte Railey – $272.43 March City Clerk salary
(4/10/21) Joe Selle – $412.11 March City labor
(4/10/21) Joe Selle – $100.00 reimbursement for gas card used for city vehicles and tools
(3/10/21) Kearney Trust Co.- $508.31 interest through 3/5/21
(3/12/21) Jim Talley – 281.67 February Meter reader salary
(3/12/21) PWSD #4 – 1797.72 water 1/28/21-2/26/21
(3/13/21) Core & Main – $556.29 water meters separate from water project
(3/13/21) AAA Disposal – $1,686.00 February curbside trash service
3/23/21) Hub International – $230.00 Bonding for Mayor and Treasurer required for the water project
(4/9/21) Kearney Trust Co. -$2562.78 interest 3/6/21-4/5/21
(4/9/21) Jim Talley – $272.43 March Meter Reader salary
(4/9/21) Brandon Gray – $580.58 March Collector salary
(4/9/21) Deanna Hufford – $512.33 March Treasurer salary
(4/9/21) Brandon Gray – $24.53 reimbursement for office supplies
(4/9/21) AAA Disposal – $1680.00 March curbside trash service
((4/9/21) PWSD #4 – $1578.28 March water
(4/9/21) Evergy – 597.10 account 7438992211
(4/10/10) Joe Selle – $1130.36 waterworks related city labor
Councilwoman Stewart made a motion to authorize payments that was seconded by Councilman Schake. The motion passed 4-0.
Old Business
Water Project: Construction continues. Approximately 33% of the new pipe has been laid. Pay request #3 in the amount of $240,000.00 for invoices from contractor Orr Wyatt Streetscapes for material and MARC fees were presented to the Council by Mayor Moore. After discussion, Councilman Gross made a motion to authorize $240,000.00 for payment. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Stewart and passed 4-0.
Trees in City Park: The Council reviewed the three bids ($4,000.00, $3,200.00 and $2,500.00) received to cut down and remove the four dying Elm trees in the park. After discussion, Councilman Gross made a motion to award the job to Northwest Tree Service, whose $2,500.00 low bid met all city criteria. Councilman Selle seconded the motion and it carried by a vote of 4-0. Mayor Moore asked Cassidy Russell if the local PERC group would be interested in helping plant new trees when the time comes.
Council Appreciation: Outgoing Ward One Councilwoman Sydney Stewart was presented a certificate of appreciation for her service on the Council since 2017. She chose not to seek reelection this year and tonight’s old business is her last session with the Council. After accolades by Mayor Moore, Council Gross proposed a resolution thanking Sydney for her time and service. It passed 3-0 with Sydney abstaining.
New Business
April 6, 2021 City Election: Barry Moore was reelected Mayor and Rockne Gross was reelected Councilman for Ward Three. Mickey Stewart was elected as new Councilman for Ward One. All three were sworn in to begin their two year terms.
PERC Activities: Cassidy Russell with PERC (Parents Encouraging Responsible Choices) advised the Council of activities planned around upcoming clean up days (April 24th and 25th) and the May 1st city parade. PERC is sponsoring a town walk through clean up on Saturday, April, 24th from 2 to 4 pm. They plan to meet at the City park at 2 pm. She also announced that it’s not too late to submit an entry for the parade.
Trash Collection Concerns: Numerous citizens in attendance shared continued problems with erratic trash collection. Mayor Moore advised the gathering that he is attempting to communicate issues with the proprietor and will engage the City Attorney if necessary for follow up.
Four wheeler concerns: Citizens complained about loud unlicensed recreational type vehicles speeding, driving carelessly and operating during overnight quiet time, often by reportedly underage drivers. Mayor Moore will speak with suspected parties and engage deputies if needed.
Ordinance Violations: After citizen complaints, the Council agreed to compile a new list of properties in violation of City Nuisance Ordinances for junk and unlicensed vehicles viewable from the street. Warning letters will be sent to violators prior to referral to Deputies for code enforcement.
The next monthly meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 10th, at 7:00 pm in the MCCA Building.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted.
Monte Railey – City Clerk