Minutes of March 8th, 2021, Council Meeting
The Missouri City, Missouri, City Council held their monthly open meeting at the MCCA Building on Monday, March 8th, 2021, at 7:00 pm. Attending: Mayor Barry Moore, Clerk Monte Railey, Collector Brandon Gray, Council members Joe Selle, Sydney Stewart, Rockne Gross and Micah Schake and resident Cassidy Russell.
Mayor Moore called the meeting to order. Minutes of the February 8th, 2021, monthly meeting were read and approved. Financial reports e-mailed by the Treasurer prior to the meeting were discussed and approved.
Bills to be allowed (paid 3/8/21 unless noted otherwise)
General Fund:
(2/15/21) Evergy – $596.20 account 7438992211
(2/15/21) Hub International – $100.00 yearly bond for City Treasurer
(2/28/21) Evergy – $125.58 four other City accounts
(2/23/21) Orrick Gas – $38.96 yearly tank rental at MCCA Building
(3/5/21) Karen Ball – $450.00 2019 audit and certification
(3/5/21) Monte Railey – $272.43 February Clerk salary
Clay County Sheriff – $16.59 gas for February patrol
Deputy John Campbell $99.74 February hourly City patrol
Deputy Caleb Nelson – $99.74 February hourly City patrol
Deputy Joshua Doss – $69.74 February hourly City patrol
(2/15/21) Softline Data – $445.00 online water bill system support through March 2022
(2/15/21) AAA Disposal – $1,686.00 February curbside trash service
(2/15/21) Kearney Trust – $562.78 interest on pre-construction credit line through 2/15/21
(2/24/21) Softline Data – $65.00 online water bill payment activation
(2/26/21) United States Postal Service – $105.00 water bill postage
(2/26/21) United States postal Service – $3.00 additional postage for water
(3/5/21) Brandon Gray – $615.93 February Collector salary plus 10.58 additional hours and 133 miles
(3/5/21) Deanna Hufford – $444.59 February Treasurer salary plus 24 miles
Councilman Schake made a motion to authorize payment that was seconded by Councilman Gross. The motion passed 4-0.
Old Business
Water Project: Construction started February 1, 2021, but was delayed some by sub-zero temperatures. As of today, 1,700 feet of new pipe has been laid. Mayor Moore is keeping a daily photo and written log of progress. Pay request #1 in the amount of $12,150.82 ($11,500.00 for services rendered by Bond Counsel Gilmore & Bell and $650.82 for AGC Engineering) was presented to the Council for payment authorization. Councilman Schake made a motion to authorize payment. The motion was seconded by Councilman Selle and passed 4-0.
New Business
PERC Activities: Cassidy Russell with PERC (Parents Encouraging Responsible Choices) presented a pamphlet announcing an April 2nd Easter Egg hunt and May 1 City parade.
Trash Collection Concerns: Problems with current trash collection were discussed. Mayor Moore will investigate options and possible solutions.
Trees in City Park: The Council agreed that Elm trees in the City park are dangerous and should be replaced. Bids will be sought for removal and replacement trees will be planted.
Unlicensed Vehicles and Junk in Yards: Concern was raised about properties with junk and unlicensed vehicles visible from the street. Mayor Moore will ask patrolling Deputies to enforce the nuisance ordinance.
The next monthly meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 12th, at 7:00 pm in the MCCA Building.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted.
Monte Railey – City