Minutes of 02/10/25

                 Minutes of February 10th, 2025 City Council Meeting

The Missouri City, Missouri, City Council held their monthly open meeting at the MCCA Building on Monday, February 10th, 2025, at 6:30 pm.   Attending:  Mayor Barry Moore, Clerk Julie Freeman, Council members Mickey Stewart (Ward One, Jan Kohl (Ward Three), Johanna Davis (Ward Four), City Chief Information Officer (CIO) Paul “Woody” Owen plus residents Corey Freeman, Danny Bush, and Miles Jackson.  Ward Two Council person Joe Selle was unavailable.

Mayor Moore called the meeting to order.  Minutes from the January 13th, 2024, meeting were read and approved.

Bills to be allowed


Council person Kohl made a motion to authorize bill payment as presented.  The motion was seconded by Councilperson Stewart and passed by a 3-0 vote.

Old Business

City Phone Changes:  Councilperson Jan Kohl has handed over the new city phone to city clerk Julie Freeman, however additional paperwork is needed to get the account in Julie’s name.

Website and IT Support:  CIO Owen discussed with the group that Brandon will be sending e-mails to each city council member to set up their e-mail addresses soon. Julie Freeman has received the city clerk address and it is now up and running.  Council persons Kohl, Davis and Stewart are awaiting further instructions.

Mayor Moore and Treasurer Hufford are exploring options for a second credit card for city purchases.

Evergy Requests:  Council person Kohl spoke with Evergy and the request for the 2 new lights had been turned from a new addition to a repair ticket by mistake.  Jan is working to get the request changed back into a new light request.

Tree Trimming along Public Roads:  Mayor Moore is expecting a second bid for tree trimming along Stillhouse road in the near future. Ideas for plants to fill in where trees will be cut down are being discussed.   

City Resident Letter: Council person Kohl is working on a letter to residence and will bring a sample letter to the next meeting.

Mayor Moore will consult with the Sherriff in April concerning properties with excess trash, weeds and possible animal neglect.

City file cabinet will be moved from city clerk Railey’s home to city hall soon.

The amended Capital Sand Resolution was read by Mayor Moore and approved by Council person Davis and seconded by Council person Stewart.

Community Calendar:

New Business

A water leak was detected and fixed recently by Mayor Moore.

A copier/printer including toner has been donated to the city by Heartland Fasteners in New Century, KS by Kat Brundage Sumption.  Thank you!

The next monthly Council meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 10th, 2025 at 6:30 pm in the MCCA Building.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Julie Freeman – City Clerk


Barry Moore – Mayor

Permanent link to this article: https://missouricitymo.gov/minutes-of-02-10-25/