Minutes of 11/09/20

Minutes of November 9th, 2020, Council Meeting

The Missouri City, Missouri, City Council held their monthly open meeting at the MCCA Building on Monday, November 9th, at 7:00 pm.   Attending:  Mayor Barry Moore, Clerk Monte Railey, Collector Brandon Gray, Treasurer and Council members Sydney Stewart, Rockne Gross, Joe Selle and Micah Schake.   Local residents in attendance: James Schake, Brian Adcock, Ray Lynn, Wanda Lynn, Cindy Roberts, Dennis Roberts, Kim Tuley, Tim Tuley, Michelle Railey, Tim Harness, Julie Harness and Megan Hottel.  Art Aken with AGC Engineering also attended.

Mayor Moore called the meeting to order.  Minutes of the September 15th meeting were read and approved.  Financial balances were reported.  The October 12th monthly meeting was cancelled due to lack of quorum.

Bills to be allowed (paid today unless noted otherwise)

General Fund:

(9/20/20) John Selle – $200.00 brush clearing

(9/21/20) Evergy – $969.564 accounts 743892211, 2443031034, 2476323157, 2451439541 & 2537625024

(10/6/20) US Dept. of the Treasury – 470.30 3rd qtr payroll taxes

(10/6/20) Steven Wolcott – $927.50 attorney fees invoice 2332

(10/7/20) Monte Railey – $236.98 September Clerk salary

(10/8/20) Joe Selle – $654.10 hourly City work

(10/11/20) Deputy John Campbell – $199.48 September patrol

(10/11/20) Deputy Joshua Doss – $69.72 September patrol

(10/11/20) Deputy Caleb Nelson – $199.48 September patrol

(10/11/20) Clay County Sheriff Department – $36.92 fuel for 69 miles of September patrol

(10/12/20) Evergy – $596.18 account 7438992211

(10/28/20) Evergy – $23.22 account 2537625024

(11/8/20) Monte Railey- $236.98 October Clerk salary

(11/8/20) Joe Selle – $498.69 hourly City work



(9/15/20) Kearney Trust – $562.86 interest on pre-construction credit line 8/16/20- 9/8/20

(9/21/20) – AAA Disposal – $1680.00 September curbside trash service

(10/6/20) US Dept. of the Treasury – $566.46 3rd qtr payroll taxes

(10/7/20) Brandon Gray – $374.74 September Collector salary

(10/6/20) Steven Wolcott – $3,045.00 water project legal fees invoice 2331

(10/7/20) Jim Talley – $252.78 September salary Meter Reader salary

(10/7/20) Deanna Hufford – $491.10 September Treasurer salary

(10/11//20) Kearney Trust Co. – $562.86 interest on pre-construction credit line 9/9/20-10/5/20

(11/8/20) PWSD #4 – $1249.12 water 8/28/20-9/24/20

(11/8/20) AAA Disposal – $1680.00October curbside trash service

(11/8/20) Brandon Gray – $421.52 October Collector salary

(11/8/20) Jim Talley – $271.25 October Meter Reader salary

(11/8/20) Deanna Hufford – $449.98 October Treasurer salary

Councilwoman Stewart made a motion to pay the bills that was seconded by Councilman Gross.  The motion passed 4-0.

Old Business

Water Project:  Four construction bids were received by the 10/21/20 close date:

Decker Construction – $1,392,097.00

J&N Utilities – $1,405,159.00

Orr-Wyatt Streetscapes – $1,132,667.50

Pyramid Excavation Construction – $1,248,467.00

All bids included addendums for Alternate A (seven fill hydrants) and Alternate B (upgrading one section from 4” to 6” pipe).  Art Aken with AGC Engineering announced that, after analyzing each bid and bidder, he is recommending the contract be awarded to low bidder Orr-Wyatt Streetscapes of Raytown, MO, contingent on CDBG and USDA approval.  He anticipates construction to start approximately March 1, 2021, and take 160 calendar days to complete.  Based on the bid and expenses already incurred and covered by the funds from the CDBG Grant, the USDA loan is expected to amount to approximately $0.9 million.  Councilman Schake made a motion to accept AGC’s recommendation.  The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Stewart and carried 4-0.  Expenses associated with Alternates A and/or B are not included in loan funding and will be the financial responsibility of the City.   Mayor Moore will consult with City Waterworks COO Rex Brinker on the addendums and report his recommendations back to the Council.  Residents interested in paying to replace lines from the meters to their houses were told they could contact Orr-Wyatt Streetscapes prior to construction.

New Business

Proposed Gun Range:  The individual interested in opening a Shooting Range on property within the city limits did not attend to submit a proposal.  The issue was discussed with the majority of nearby residents attending being opposed to such a plan.  No further action was taken.

At this time, the remaining resident left the meeting and City salaries and hourly wages were reviewed.  Councilman Schake had to leave for work and was not present.  After discussion Councilwoman Stewart made a motion to raise the hourly City rate to $12.70 and raise monthly salaries for Treasurer, Clark, Collector and Meter Reader effective December 1, 2020.

The next open monthly Council meeting is scheduled for 7:00 pm on Tuesday, December 15th, 2020,
in the MCCA Building.

Councilwoman Stewart made a motion to adjourn that was seconded by Councilman Gross.  Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Monte Railey – City Clerk

Permanent link to this article: https://missouricitymo.gov/minutes-of-11-09-20/